[FEATURE] Preview Animated GIFs in 4shared for Android

By Irin L
27 / 04 / 2018
1 Comment

Awesome news! We’ve enabled viewing of animated GIF files in the 4shared app for Android devices!

How to use?
It couldn’t get any easier. Just tap the file to open its preview.
Don’t have any animated GIFs in your 4shared cloud storage yet?
Use your in-app search features > just enter GIF in the search bar, then tap “Search”.
Just to remind you, lately we’ve also improved the preview of other media (e.g. music, video) in 4shared for Android.

Try out the new feature yourself –
install the updated 4shared for Android from Google Play Store!


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  • Gideon says:

    Please how do i get 4shared to animate gif’s shared using forum link

    i noticed 4 shared change the gif i uploaded to .png

    then it wont animate

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