Try out Improved Camera Upload Features in 4shared for Android

By Irin L
25 / 05 / 2021

Just recently we’ve enhanced the “Camera Upload” functionality in
your 4shared app for Android devices!

Aiming to make your 4shared experience on Android even better, we’ve upgraded the “Camera Upload” feature in our mobile app to streamline the backup of photos and videos from your device camera in your secure cloud storage at 4shared.
While the upload process has become even smoother now, we’ve also added a convenient sorting option by months to enable the faster and easier media search in your 4shared account.

Try out the upgrade today – install the latest version of 4shared for Android from Google Play!

Unlock new live music streaming features in 4shared for Android

By Irin L
12 / 04 / 2021


The past months have been a wild ride!
We’ve been working day and night to develop the new cutting-edge functionality in 4shared apps, and now it’s time we introduce the latest novelties in 4shared for Android!


Long story short, we’ve recently launched a brand-new feature for 4shared users on Android – “Live streaming.”

Not only does it enable users to stream live music shows by 4shared users near you, or currently popular in your country, but start your own live stream any time, in a matter of a few clicks.

Variety of live music streams for your selection

The “Music” tab in your 4shared for Android app now has a new section called “Live”, where you can select a currently live music show for instant listening on your device.

Choose a livestream based on your location and/or music preferences, and simply click on it to start listening. In addition, follow your favorite artists to keep up with their updates and check out the new Lives just as they’re launched.

Share your music vibe by creating your own Live

Starting your own Live is super-easy.

To do that:

1. Tap an audio file in your 4shared account.

Note! Only music files, stored at 4shared (not locally on device) are available for streaming in a live.

2. Tap “Start Live.”
3. Name your livestream and tap “Start Live Now.” That’s it.


Try out the new feature in your 4shared app today – download the updated 4shared for Android from Google Play!


Unwrap the New 4shared App Features on Android

By Irin L
28 / 09 / 2019

Have you heard the news?

We’ve launched a BRAND-NEW 4shared app for Android devices, with a bunch of new features and some extra benefits you’ll definitely enjoy!

Let’s dive in for more details!

Continue reading →

[FEATURE] Preview Animated GIFs in 4shared for Android

By Irin L
27 / 04 / 2018
1 Comment

Awesome news! We’ve enabled viewing of animated GIF files in the 4shared app for Android devices!

How to use?
It couldn’t get any easier. Just tap the file to open its preview.
Don’t have any animated GIFs in your 4shared cloud storage yet?
Use your in-app search features > just enter GIF in the search bar, then tap “Search”.
Just to remind you, lately we’ve also improved the preview of other media (e.g. music, video) in 4shared for Android.

Try out the new feature yourself –
install the updated 4shared for Android from Google Play Store!

4shared Mobile Apps Get Another Update

By Irin L
05 / 03 / 2018

We’re happy to introduce yet another update to 4shared applications for mobile devices!

Namely, some of the key updates we’ve brought in include:

  • Improved music & video player performance
  • Upload feature upgrades
  • Enhanced sharing capabilities, and more.
Try out the upgraded apps today – download the latest versions of
4shared for Android & 4shared for iOS on Google Play Store and App Store, accordingly!

Recent Feature Upgrades in 4shared for Android

By Irin L
25 / 01 / 2018

Just recently, we’ve improved “Camera Upload” functionality in 4shared for Android,
to make the backup and sharing of your pics/videos even more comfortable.

Namely, we’ve enhanced file upload mechanism to accelerate the backup of your existing and/or new photos and videos from the “Camera” folder in “Wi-Fi only” and “Wi-Fi & Data Plan” modes.
Just to remind you…
To upload separate photos/videos from your device camera – apply the manual upload options:
How to use?
1. Go to “Camera Upload” tab.
2. Tap the “Upload to 4shared cloud” icon on a selected file
or Long-tap the file and tap (↥).

Try out the improved “Camera Upload” today!

Introducing the 4shared for Android Update!

By Irin L
01 / 08 / 2017

Awesome news! We’ve recently released the upgrade to the
4shared app for Android devices!

Continue reading →

Latest Updates in the 4shared app for Android!

By Irin L
04 / 05 / 2017
1 Comment
We’ve recently released several
design/functionality improvements in 4shared for Android!

Continue reading →

New! Preview archive files in 4shared for Android!

By Irin L
31 / 03 / 2017
1 Comment


We’ve enabled the preview of archive files (.zip, .rar or .7zip)
in your 4shared app for Android OS!

How it works?
1. Tap an archive file you’d like to view
2. Tap the “Download” button on the opened file preview.
3. Tap the “Open archive” button to open/view the archive.


Try out the new feature yourself!
Download the latest version of 4shared for Android from Google Play!


Major upgrades in 4shared for Android!

By Irin L
17 / 01 / 2017
Upgrades in 4shared for Android

We’ve just launched major upgrades in the 4shared app for Android devices!
Along with the crucial performance improvements, the app also includes a set of new features.

Preview of apk files

We’ve enabled the preview of application (.apk) files in the latest release of 4shared for Android.

4shared apk preview

Just tap an application (.apk) file from your account or the list of search results to view the app info (if any): category, logo, screenshots, description, etc. and perform further file operations.

Direct sharing to nearby devices

Now you can share files from your 4shared cloud directly to another Android device via 4shared for Android – on 2 conditions:
1. Both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
2. The up-to-date 4shared app is currently running on both devices, i.e. the app is opened and both users are logged in their 4shared accounts via it.

share to device 4shared

How to use?
1. Launch your 4shared app.
2. Tap ⋮ near a file and select “Share” from the menu.
3. Tap a user, whose Android device you wish to send a file to.
4. An invitation to accept the file will be sent to the selected device. If accepted, the file will start downloading on it.

New Camera Upload functionality

4shared for Android now includes a separate Camera Upload tab, which allows you to manually select separate camera photos/videos for backup at 4shared.

4shared camera upload

Just tap the ⋮ on a photo/video and select “Upload” from the menu to add it to your secure 4shared cloud and further access it from any device.

Excited to try out new features yet?
Install the app update from Google Play!


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