Major 4shared website update: new design & features!

By Irin L
08 / 11 / 2016
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We’re taking the wraps off the brand-new Home page of the 4shared website!
It combines the fresh look with a set of new features for your most comfortable 4shared experience!

Discover What’s Trending


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New files arrive at 4shared all the time. Take a break and check out popular music, videos, books and apps at 4shared in the cutting-edge “What’s trending” section.

Here you can listen to popular songs, discover most viewed videos, browse through apps that are worth a download and, of course, add best files to your account at 4shared.

Access Key Features Instantly


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For your convenience we’ve enabled a much faster and easier access to core 4shared features – right at the website Home page, including:

– Newly-redesigned “Upload” feature
– Instant file search
– Direct access to 4shared apps, etc.

Don’t wait up! Check out the updated 4shared website now!

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  • Chris says:

    Looks great guys, good work!

  • Andreia Luciana says:

    Muito bom, sei que pode ser difícil, mas seria possível colocar as vezes uns hinos antigo com play back kkkkk. É que aqui encontro sempre o que procuro. Ótimo aplicativo. ???

  • Priyanshu Kumar Singh says:

    Introducing In congested metro areas like Delhi NCR, a cutting-edge company named RideBuddy is changing connections and transportation. Our goal is to establish a social network that links people in New Delhi by means of common interests, chances for carpooling, and automobile rides. Come along with us as we create deep connections and revolutionize the urban commuting experience.

    We at RideBuddy are aware of the challenges associated with transportation, including clogged highways, growing gas prices, and environmental concerns. With our carpooling app, we hope to offer a complete solution that facilitates rapid rides and ridesharing. In addition to making the most use of the available transportation alternatives, we encourage a sense of community and camaraderie among travelers.

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