Support 4shared at Catchfree!

By Irin L
01 / 07 / 2011

Dear friends and 4shared fans!

4shared is just 29th in the Catchfree rating list of the best free online services, but we know that you rate us higher. Support us at and we hope to become the FIRST. To be sure about your choice read please these awesome answers of our users.

Norman, DJ (USA)
Guys, where else could I find 15 GB for free? And with 4shared I can store much of my music online and don’t fuss with USB drivers. Besides, 4shared is a great place to promote yourself if you are young and want to become famous. I upload my music to the account and then statistics of listening helps me to know which track is better.

Christopher, university professor (Mexico)
Something happened with my laptop last year and most of my presentations and scanned books were lost. That was kind of a doomsday for me. I have been backing up all necessary and important information online since that time. 4shared is the best and the most secure service.

Carla, student (Brazil)
I travel a lot and taking photos is my passion. My parents and friends are always looking forward to my photo presentations. Within 4shared I can pleasure them still being on a way. 4shared is the easiest service to share photos or videos with your friends. Besides, 15 GB is enough for so many photo-trips that I still don’t need to buy premium account for 100 GB. But I’m thinking about that for future. 4shared is the best file sharing service. It must be the FIRST at Catchfree!

We hope that no one is hesitating now and will vote for 4shared.
That’s so easy. Just look:
You go to 4shared page at Catchfree and choose Rate&Review

And then just vote:


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  • ruby says:


  • graça lobo says:

    esse 4shared sreve para ver filnes baixados na net?

  • edgar mendez says:

    me gusta mucho 4shared.

  • iwan says:

    thank you 4shared team, you are the best

  • eL Ro says:

    thank you for awesome hosting server supporting my site…,,;D

  • Aill ailkan says:

    Ipod 4shared goes not found….PPlease please plase take time fixed in ipod touch in 4shared now!!!! Thanks for me……:-)

  • oldskool says:

    keep the good work 4 shared

  • Qomar Uddin says:

    Fasilitas apapun yang ada pada 4shared yang dipromosikan untuk pengguna akun itu wajar, lumrah. Namun bagi kami orang miskin tentu saja tidak mampu untuk itu. Bilamana 4shared mau membantu saya akan bekerja untuk 4shared siang atau malam asal kondisi saya mampu. saya masih banyak file yang belum saya upload. bila file saya sudah saya upload, sudah barang tentu, 4shared turut mendapatkan kuntungan yang lumayan. Kalau tidak percaya dari lebih kurang 3 bulan, sudah berapa file yang sudah saya upload (baik sing atau malam)dan sudah berapa banyak pengunjung yang telah mengunduh file kami. oleh karena itu mohon pengajuan pertanyaan saya ditinjau. dari sekian banyak yang telah saya unggah semuanya pakai Hp (telp selular).
    Untuk itulah tolong dong saya ini dibantu baik dari segi fasilitas ataupun finansial saya.

    trima kasih wassalam

  • kim hoon says:

  • 박소영 says:


  • Cahyana says:

    Wah, menarik utk dipelajari dan dipergunakan. Syukur jika banyak orang lain dpt terbantu

  • Tomi says:

    Watched it today… Good program.Comment on one of show tocips: at age 45 and typical urban dweller I am on path of becoming a hunter. Got mandatory education, got license, learning … waiting for December.Comment on potential tocips for the show: all hunting shows I have seen try to keep absolutely away from anything that could be interpreted as “gore”. I understand intent not to upset non-hunters and/or ad-revenue but the shows are about hunting. Some “gore” comes with territory, particularly when it has educational value (say, field dressing deer). Should be OK to show with advanced warning (be it that there are much worse scenes in regular TV programming).Anyway, congratulations on new program and you have new fan.

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