Download New 4shared Sync for iPhone/iPad v.1.2.0 !

By Irin L
05 / 10 / 2011

Haven’t you heard? Brand-new upgraded 4shared Sync for iPhone/iPad v.1.2.0 is now available for you at iTunes.

Read more for details.

Undoubtedly, as 4shared Sync for iPhone/iPad has become one of our fans’ favorites in the recent times, we have put all our creativity into making the newest app version much more modified and useful for you.

The newly-presented 4shared Sync for iPhone/iPad v.1.2.0 is more, than just a convenient application, it’s somewhat “the best friend” for owners of Apple devices who wish to keep their data mobile, access, manage and share their files whenever they are.

Having saved its “classic” interface, 4shared Sync for iPhone/iPad v.1.2.0 comprises an array of new features, aimed at making the app even more easy-to-use, than it used to be. These, in particular, include:

1. An ability to open and download any files from other apps.

2. A possibility to share files with others in Twitter, iTunes and via e-mail as well.

3. Streaming and managing your playlists in background mode.

At the same time, likewise as the former versions, the updated release of 4shared Sync for iPhone/iPad v.1.2.0 enables you to:

1.Create, rename and delete files and folders at your 4shared account directly from your iPhone/iPad.
2.Download files from 4shared directly on your iPhone/iPad for offline viewing.
3.The app is FREE for download for all users.

Have you tried 4shared Sync for iPhone/iPad v.1.2.0 yet? Download it now and tell us how you like it.

Limitless Advantages – Limitless 4shared!


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  • rivai says:

    i like it…………

  • randy says:


  • Vadivel says:

    4 shared it was very nice

  • cpsharma says:


  • thanks for shares

  • Joey says:

    I really want this to work! I try to sync music and only certain files get sync’d and will play. why is that?? they play perfectly in Itunes and other devices but it wont sync it here and play. Any advice or suggestions?? Please help I really like using 4shared!

  • Mirza omran says:

    The 4 shred is very impotent for my ipad

  • Windz says:

    How can i share my files/songs with itunes frm my 4shared?

    • Dear Windz, unfortunately, we can’t answer your question, because it is outside of 4shared specialization.

  • Daniel@AskMobi says:

    Looks pretty cool.

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