How did you start your 2010 year? Enthusiastic about your new projects and more than ready to put them into actions?
Yeah, we too! We started it with opening our particularly new Wiki page. Finally we made it and now anyone can draw some piece of information about 4shared service out of here Wiki page Bunch of useful details can already be found there and the page is going to be edited further.
Apart from this we have improved the download process via mobile phones. We have been so sorry for our users who had experienced so many problems downloading files through mobiles that we decided to get the whole thing easier. So there you have it. Please enjoy and don’t forget to keep us updated on any suggestions that you think might come in handy to us!
Stay tuned with 4shared!
2009 year comes to its end so people usually summarize results, analyze what was done, what aims were achieved and set plans for the future. Being one of the leaders among the file sharing web sites we have our own development strategy and try to propose you the best possible services.
In 2009 year we advanced greatly and results are impressive. The number of visits was increased by 222.69% for 2009 year and now we have about 3.4M visitors daily.
In 2009 4shared entered 100 top sites according to Alexa ranking and keeps growing.
We have added a lot of new features to improve 4shared services and we know that you have already enjoyed them – multiple downloading, 4shared Synchronization, WebDav, mp3 playlists, video scrolling, advanced uploading, etc. The number of our servers and Support Team members was significantly increased so service quality has improved.
4shared never stops advancing and launching new features. We plan to enter 50 top sites and be the best file sharing site in the world in 2010. Thank you for being with us!
A couple of words from usual dialogues of 4shared Support Team with our users:
User: How can I download multiple files?
We: Having Premium subscription you will be able to download as many files as you wish at once…
User: But is takes too long to download single files. I wish I could download all at once…
Sometimes dreams come true… 4shared continues to improve all possible functions and being so proud of ourselves we announce – multiple download is now available now for free users. How to download? Very simply. For this you only need to install 4shared Desktop. It can be found either at our site or in your accounts in new folder Tools. Just log into desktop and you will see a new Download tab near Upload tab. More than that new version of 4shared Desktop has 4shared Synchronization option enabling you to synchronize any folder at your desktop with your 4shared account. And one more advantage of this application is upgraded and improved upload functionality. Now you can upload faster! Try it, you will surely like our innovations! Have other dreams – don’t sleep! Write an email to and tell us what 4shared needs to add to remain the best sharing site ever. We will consider your suggestions and will try to fulfil your dreams!
Information is the currency of today’s world. Those who control information are the most powerful people on the planet – and the ones with the most bulging bank accounts. Those who know have a lot of advantages compared to those who do not know. So we propose our users to be informed on everything that happens on 4shared. We launched a new tab – Communication in Settings of your account. Here you can activate your communication with us. It will help you to receive tips, best practices and other information to get the most out of your 4shared account, reminders informing you when your 4shared account expires. You can also choose if you want to participate in 4shared surveys and be invited to evaluate new 4shared features or if you want to receive news specifically about integrations with other 4shared products. So be informed and become more powerful!
On the eve of Christmas we are making a present for all our users. Premium Christmas Sale is held for you! It has become possible to purchase our Premium subscription with 30% discount. Just imagine how much you can save subscribing now to: 5 days – you pay $ 3.50 instead of $ 5, 1 month – you pay $ 6.97 instead of $ 9.95, 3 months – you pay $ 16.77 instead of $ 23.95, 6 months – you pay $ 30.07 instead of $ 42.95, 1 year – you pay $ 54.57 instead of $ 77.95. Join us today JOIN ! For detailed information write an email to Thank you for being our users. launches a new feature – Data Synchronization. Using it you will be able to synchronize any folder from desktop of your computer with your 4shared account. Its advantage is an ability to keep your files up to date without necessity to update them in your 4shared account or perform constant re-uploads. You need to install 4shared Desktop to set synchronization with your computer. You also should be logged into your account using 4shared Desktop to see a new tab – “Synchronization” beneath toolbar and to activate this process. The list of synchronized folders will be displayed in this area. It is possible to synchronize any folder simply by clicking on the icon “Create a new synchronization” on the toolbar. Setting this feature enables you to upload, download, rename files within any synchronized folder from desktop of your computer and more than that – editing files on your computer you automatically edit them in your account. This process prevents copying already identical files and thus can save considerable time from a manual copy, also being faster and less error prone. Data Synchronization was incorporated for your comfort and time-saving.
Many of you have already downloaded and installed our 4shared Toolbar in your browsers and enjoyed accessing free games, watching TV, listening to online radio stations, checking out all favourite places on the Web, receiving our most important news and announcements instantly, etc. And as always we have added a new feature to our toolbar – it has become possible to log into your account immediately after you open your browser and upload files directly from toolbar. A new button Log in has appeared on the toolbar and once logged in you will be able to upload as many files to your account as you wish without necessity to open our site and what’s more – it is possible at the same time to do whatever you want in Internet and our toolbar will upload a file right into your 4shared account. Button Browse becomes active when you are logged into your account. 4shared Toolbar is Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari compatible. Get 4shared Toolbar right now!
Hi everybody! So how are you doing today? Hope all is fine. We are again with good news! One more innovation – everything for your comfort and convenience! Our new feature is called Add to my account. You may say – “It’s not new! It is possible to add files to my account; I’ve seen Add to my account button on the download pages of the files. So what is new with it?” Well…From now you can add entire folder to your account with all subfolders and files. Adding a folder by only one click is now possible. What should be done for activating this feature? To activate it, the owner of the folder should simply click on the icon Settings in the top right corner of his account and tick “Allow others to add my files to their accounts”. This option will activate both adding separate files and entire folders. After these easy steps you will be able to add folders of other users to your own account simply clicking on the button Add to my account on the toolbar of any shared folder. So how do you feel about our innovation? Do you like it? You are always welcome to write us any suggestions and propositions on how to improve 4shared!