Improve your search experience with 4shared

By Irin L
21 / 07 / 2010

You can always rely on in terms of searching files using our advanced search system that will allow you to find anything you want in the shortest period of time and most comfortable way possible. So lets go through the searching process using all the features we have carefully developed for your convenience!
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Search, manage, promote books and office stuff online

By Irin L
19 / 07 / 2010

Do you have a writing talent? Are you a salesman who wants to promote some goods? Do you want to announce an event? Or maybe you have some presentation or manual you want other people to see? Than you’ve come to the right place because 4shared is a perfect online service for sharing documents! Don’t miss the opportunity to promote yourself or your business with! Continue reading to find out how…
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Promote your music – become a superstar at 4shared

By Irin L
16 / 07 / 2010

Almost everybody in the world dreams to be famous, rich, have a nice ride, penthouse, play slots, blackjack and… well, you know. What is one of the most pleasant way to achieve all these things? That’s right! You should become a rock/pop star! The problem is that too many people think that way and only very few reach their goal. They were lucky enough, you say. But you know what? You’re a lucky too! Why? Because you’re just few steps away from becoming a star yourself! Find out how can help you with that…
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Create a showcase for your photos. Don’t miss it!

By Irin L
15 / 07 / 2010
1 Comment

Being a creative person is great but even genius won’t be recognized without a proper promotion. is a free powerful advertising tool which can provide you with millions of people daily who can become your fans, buyers or even give you a work that you’ve dreamed about your whole life. Just check out those unbelievable 4shared features for designers and artists below! Continue reading →

Don’t miss the new smashing features at!

By Irin L
14 / 07 / 2010
1 Comment

Well hello there! We’ve got some brand new hot features that will make your experience with even more comfortable than ever! So, today we are going to talk about such things as:

1. activity sharing;
2. view all images;
3. download all files/zip files;
4. view original (picture).
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Promote your software at 4shared

By Irin L
14 / 07 / 2010
1 Comment

Do you have a cool program you have developed by yourself? Do you want to share it with millions of people per day, get valuable feedback and become famous? Then is here at your service! Continue reading to find out how 4shared can help you… Continue reading →

4shared vs DVDs, external hard and flash drives

By Irin L
12 / 07 / 2010
1 Comment

4shared vs DVDs, external hard and flash drivesIn the life of each computer user comes the time to change things… like Windows for example. These seem to crash sometimes, you know, or they make the better ones occasionally. Well and what you’re gonna do with all that precious information you’ve collected for the past n years? All those rare game, music and movie backups you own? Or try to imagine that your girlfriend/boyfriend needs your computer badly and you have to backup some info because your chick/dude might not appreciate all the things you’ve got there. So, let’s say you have 30 folders with 7000 files and they weight about 50 GB…
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4shared automatic activity sharing

By Irin L
17 / 06 / 2010

automatic activity sharing
4shared has expanded its social media functionality. For now 4shared users may share to twitter such activities as uploading files, rating files, commenting on files, sharing a folder, etc automatically. When you perform certain action on 4shared, automatic activity will update your friends on twitter.
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4shared toolbar overview

By Irin L
16 / 06 / 2010

4shared toolbar
4shared toolbar gives instant access to 4shared Desktop, 4shared home page and personal 4shared account. With our toolbar you can get access to the free games, watch TV and listen to online radio stations, check out all of our favorite places on the Web, receive our most important news and announcements instantly. It is Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari compatible.
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4shared hits 11 million visitors!

By Irin L
25 / 05 / 2010

11 million users daily at 4shared
Huge news! 4shared hits 11 million visitors! It’s has been just a month since we’ve announced 4shared reached 10 million visitors per day. And now it’s already 11 million visitors daily! This is a great achievement for us to hit 11 million visitors mark  in such a short period of time. It’s so great to see 4shared keeps on growing so fast and gains popularity all over the world!
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