‘Add to my account’ option has been modified!

By Irin L
24 / 02 / 2009

We have introduced an ‘Add to my account’ option on file download pages recently. This feature lets you add a file to your virtual drive in no time. That is, in case a user would like to download a file and then upload it to his/her virtual drive, now he/she can do that without downloading file to his/her computer. However, this action can be accomplished only for the files which are allowed to be downloaded by their publisher.

Some users of our service requested improvement for the feature and we did take this into account. So, the option has been modified a bit. File publishers now can decide whether they want this feature to be available on file download pages. In other words, you can adjust settings for your account in a way that will disable the ‘Add to my account’ on your files’ option download pages.

In case you would like to disable the option, please
1. log into your account;
2. click on the ‘My account’ icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen;
3. get to the ‘Settings’ tab;
4. clear the ‘Allow others to add my files to their accounts’ checkbox
5. click on the ‘Save changes’ button on the bottom.

We would like to say ‘Thanks a bunch’ to all our users who gave us their feedback concerning the new feature. We really appreciate your desire to make our service better!

Promote Yourself With 4shared!

By Irin L
19 / 02 / 2009

“2/3 of promotion is motion.”

You know, many 4shared community members share their interest, passions or creations along with their files.  Have you ever thought of promoting your creations online? 4shared would like to help you promote your photos,  videos, software or any other creations which you consider are worth promoting for free. Really, you get chance to introduce your files to incredibly large and savvy 4shared community. Come on, tell the world who you are!

We are eager to consider things such as your stories, artwork, photos, music, kids videos, flash files,  presentations with business colleagues, party or vacation photos with friends, web research and more. Just upload your file to your virtual drive and provide us with link to it! Please write a short description about yourself and your file, include a link to it and send your e-mail to promote@4shared.com. Our team of  professionals is looking forward to getting your applications!

Great Changes :: New 4shared Premium

By Irin L
19 / 02 / 2009

If you haven’t noticed, 4shared paid subscriptions set has been changed in the last few weeks.  First, our premium subscriptions from now  on are combined into a single package which includes powerful set of  4shared features. This allows you to use both features for advanced storage/sharing and features  for advanced download at the same time.

Second, the new premium account features include maximum upload file size increase to 2GB and storage space to 100 GB! With new ‘Premium’ you also get 100 GB of premium download traffic/bandwidth per month. Can you believe it? Just take a look at our  features page to find out more:  http://www.4shared.com/features.jsp .

We would like to mention that you still can make a request for any of our previously offered packages, if you wish.  Feel free to contact our Sales Department at sales@4shared.com. We will do the best we can to find a favorable solution.

More changes will be coming the weeks ahead, so be sure to stay tuned. As always,  please let us know if there is something we can do to make this even better.

Good news :: 4shared back to China

By Irin L
18 / 02 / 2009

We are happy to inform you that we have found a way around ‘Great Chinese Firewall’. From now on you can use http://www.4shared-china.com/ to reach you 4shared account or files shared by your friends and colleagues.

In case you would like to get access to the files which you used to reach through links like http://www.4shared.com/file/83099418/d326bf09/Flower_Girl.html just replace ‘4shared.com‘ with ‘4shared-china.com‘ and check if they are still available. Enjoy 4shared in China again!

We would like to say ‘Thanks a bunch’ to all our users who gave us their feedback concerning 4shared in China. We really appreciate your desire to stay with our service despite all the troubles!

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