4shared premium year accounts holiday giveaway!

By Irin L
30 / 12 / 2010

4shared.com and smashingapps.com are proud to announce the start of the unique 4shared premium year accounts holiday giveaway that will last till 7th January 2011. To take part in the contest you should leave any comment you’d like over here. After contest is finished, ten winners will be chosen randomly and get one of the year premium accounts on 4shared! Don’t miss this amazing opportunity and take part right now!

>>>Click here to win a premium!<<<

4shared Mobile on Android!

By Irin L
21 / 12 / 2010

Everything in the world happens in real time – so should be filesharing process too. The modern communication tools allow people to connect with each other in the matter of seconds to share stuff. So, if there’s something worthy goes around you can pick up your phone, take a pic and share it on 4shared. The next thing you know – users will leave comments to your photos, discuss them and share with each other.

Millions of people around the world are now actively using 4shared from a phone, which is more than triple the number just one year ago. Today, we’re taking another step forward in enriching your mobile experience with new 4shared Mobile application. Yeah, go ahead, open up a beer or two to celebrate the arrival of 4shared Mobile for Android! Search and browse millions of videos, music, pics, books, wallpapers and ring tones for your entertainment on 4shared.com!
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Holiday gift from 4shared

By Irin L
08 / 12 / 2010

The twenty ten is almost done
And we would like to thank you chum
For your support, feedback etcetera,
And all of you deserve some extras!

For sharing photos, vids, whatnot
Some apps, some music, books, why not?
Watching updates of other folks,
Commenting stuff and friendly talks.

The first thing was free web account,
For storing files in big amounts,
Backuping data, saving bucks,
Performing other useful tasks.
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Make friends @ love.4shared.com!

By Irin L
06 / 12 / 2010

4shared, the biggest file sharing service in the world, is happy to announce its new service – love.4shared.com! This means that from now on 4shared users are able not only share their files but also make friends. That’s right – once you’ve registered on 4shared.com you automatically gain access to love.4shared.com and vice versa as well!

Note that you can always have an access to your 4shared online account while using the love.4shared.com services. If you’re new to 4shared – don’t hesitate to register and get 15GB of free storage space immediately! Read more to find more details about this unbelievable social service.
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4shared Desktop is now available for Mac and Linux users too

By Irin L
22 / 11 / 2010

Today 4shared Desktop expands its territory! From now on Linux and Mac users are able to use 4shared Desktop on their systems as well as Windows users! 4shared Desktop is a useful application that will make your file sharing experience just the way it meant to be – perfect. Uploading hundreds of files for the purposes of backuping or sharing with others is not a problem anymore! You haven’t tried it yet? Then read below to find out how 4shared Desktop can make you file sharing life smooth!
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4shared Mobile makes friends with Blackberry

By Irin L
19 / 11 / 2010

Good news everyone! 4shared has just launched another app that will allow Blackberry owners to use 4shared Mobile too! 4shared Mobile is a useful application, that will allow you to get an access to your 4shared account in a matter of a few seconds. Blackberry version of 4shared Mobile also features highly anticipated search feature that allows to conveniently browse 30.000.000 files which are shared by users on 4shared.
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Meet QR codes on 4shared!

By Irin L
12 / 11 / 2010

Whoa! We’ve just implemented a new feature on 4shared and it’s all about QR codes. Well, I can assume that not all of our readers even know what QR codes are. Nope, they didn’t appear just yesterday, no. It was actually a 1997 or so. The first thing you should know about QR is that these letters stand for “Quick Response”. The other thing is that they became really popular with the appearance of smartphones, iPhones and other related tech. And what becomes popular is always has it’s reflection on 4shared.

So, what QR codes can be used for? Well, they can store information, that’s for sure. To be more exact QR code can contain any textual info like text or even links. How exactly QR codes can help you working with 4shared? From now on you can always found a QR code on each page for any file you’d like to download.
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Facebook is available at 4shared

By Irin L
11 / 11 / 2010

Today we are happy to announce a partnership between 4shared and the biggest social network in the world – Facebook. From now you may share all your favorite files at 4shared with your friends at Facebook. This means that we are going to launch convenient and effective services for further integration between 4shared and Facebook soon too. We would like to note that it’s very important for us to have a trust of such a respective social media web site. As a legal service 4shared encourages our users not to upload illegal content on Facebook, as long as content policies play an important role in maintaining a positive experience for everyone using 4shared too.
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New 4shared Desktop 3.3.0 is out!

By Irin L
20 / 10 / 2010

Over the past time, thousands of users have offered to help improve 4shared Desktop by giving their suggestions and feedback, and we’re excited to show you the results. Here are some highlights:

1. new integrated search that gives the immediate results;
2. integrated music player and image previewer;
3. comment files and “Add to your account” directly from new 4shared Desktop;
4. 18 languages support.

Check out the rest of this post for more details on brand new features of 4shared Desktop v3.3.0!
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New online 4shared account theme – more convinient than ever!

By Irin L
19 / 10 / 2010

4shared provides a number of ways to make file sharing more effective, and today we are announcing new theme for online accounts to help make your experience on 4shared more convenient.

First, we’re launching a quick search that allows you to browse ~30 millions of 4shared hosted files without any additional trouble. We have placed it in the top left of user account so it’s going to be the first thing you see after logging in.

Second, we’ve grouped all the links for managing user account – you can see them on the top right – so you won’t need to spend more than a second to access your account settings, change the language of the localization, buy premium etc. Read more for details.
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