4shared is available in Persian – thanks to Hossein Vafadar!

By Irin L
11 / 10 / 2010

We are happy to announce that from now on 4shared is available in Persian language too. This work was performed by Hossein Vafadar from the fine city of Mashhad, Iran. Thank you, Hossein!

Currently 4shared supports 15 different languages. Anyway, with growing popularity of 4shared around the world there will be more and more users who will need a support of their own language. So, taking Hossein Vafadar contribution as an example, we encourage other users to translate 4shared main interface into their native language.

We have developed a special remote interface for translation tasks performance. Anybody is welcome to participate in this important process. Note that we appreciate every contribution and we are ready to give premium accounts to the authors of the best language versions. Read more for details.
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Advertising opportunities at 4shared

By Irin L
28 / 09 / 2010

4shared is the world’s leading online storage and file sharing service that offers its users the most user-friendly and secure storage capacity. Millions of people visit it to store their photos, music, video and documents every day!

4shared is an effective and modern advertising tool: according to DoubleClick 4shared.com holds the 57 position in this list of 100 most visited sites on the web! Therefor 4shared offers you a high quality advertising opportunity! Continue reading to find out more.
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Learn 5 ways how 4shared keeps you safe!

By Irin L
23 / 09 / 2010

4shared is an online file sharing service which is against piracy and collaborates with other companies like Microsoft Corporation, Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), Moscow Government Committee on Security, Linotype GmbH, Visual CertExam Software, Warner Music Brasil, Bondware, DAZ Productions, iMusica, Leisure Arts, Wichelt Imports and many others.

4shared has always respected copyrights, trademarks, patents and other proprietary rights in terms of file content that is being hosted using its services. That is why you can feel completely safe browsing all the useful stuff that our users had posted. No need to worry about nasty FBR guys knocking on your door with the 12 ga. shotgun anymore! So, how exactly 4shared protects its users from using and downloading illegal files? Continue reading to find out.
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New features on 4shared

By Irin L
21 / 09 / 2010
1 Comment

We always try to make your 4shared experience better. One of the best ways to do so is to speedup the file browsing process itself. It’s kinda hard to find something specific when you’ve got 32.000.000 of files, you know. This is why we have implemented a new display feature which allows users to list files in more convenient and compact way making browsing files at 4shared twice as fast than before! Continue reading to learn about this and other features.
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Expand your 4shared account for free!

By Irin L
10 / 09 / 2010

When you register at 4shared you get 10 GB of free storage on your account and you’re able to upload up to 200 MB at once. Pretty neat, huh? But is there any way to widen your opportunities on 4shared for free? Of course there is! If you are reading this, than you’re a lucky fellow, as today I’m going to tell you how to expand your 4shared account and get a useful browser application in one shot!
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Register on 4shared with your Google/OpenID account!

By Irin L
08 / 09 / 2010

What is one of the most annoying things about web sites? That’s right – the necessity to register. Well, lets face it – no one likes wasting time on such things. In most cases if you really need something – you do register, wherever you like it or not. However, here at 4shared we do not share this tendency and offer our future users to register with their Google and OpenID accounts, which most of them already have!
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Search files from specified country at 4shared – New Feature!

By Irin L
02 / 09 / 2010

Have you ever had a need to search for files on 4shared, posted by users from the particular country? When you search for something the first thing you see on the results page are the most popular files on 4shared but are they always appear to be exactly what you was looking for? Guess not. In order to improve your search results 4shared have implemented the new search parameter which will actually allow users to search files by countries. Check out the rest of the post to find out the details.
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Make a 15GB web folder at 4shared

By Irin L
27 / 08 / 2010

Have you ever dreamed of being able to access your free 15 GB on 4shared account directly from your computer without any need to install additional programs? Than you’re a lucky fellow as today we’re going to tell you a little secret that will allow you to upload and download files to 4shared with Explorer, Microsoft Windows tool that you use every day to browse your files on PC/MAC!
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Subscribe to your friends on 4shared!

By Irin L
23 / 08 / 2010

You’ll never know what is going to happen next on 4shared but you can always expect it’s going to be something completely new and useful! All of you had certainly used such social media services as Twitter & Facebook and are familiar with following certain people updates. Today we are happy to announce our new feature that allows to subscribe and follow updates of your favorite users on 4shared network too! Subscribe now & change your life forever!
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Search files with your iPhone with the brand new 4shared mobile feature!

By Irin L
20 / 08 / 2010

4shared Mobile is a useful application, that allows iPhone users to get instant access to their 4shared accounts. Today we are happy to announce a new feature, which allows users to search files hosted on 4shared! This actually makes possible to search ~30 millions of files which are hosted on 4shared! See how it works below!
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