Free tools to make your 4shared experience easy!

By Irin L
18 / 08 / 2010

4shared is a powerful web instrument that allows users to download, upload and backup files online. Register, get yourself 15 GBs of free space, login to your 4shared account and start working! Is it possible to make this process even easier? Of course it is!

Check out our amazing free tools and get instant access to ~30 millions of pics, music files, videos, docs and other files with your PC, Browser & Mobile phones!
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4shared is a perfect marketing tool for your business!

By Irin L
05 / 08 / 2010

Business. Sounds pretty busy, isn’t it? Being a businessman is pretty tough these days. You have to act quick and effective to be a successful one. And what is the most precious resources for a successful businessman? Time and information… and that pretty lady sitting next to you too. Well, I’m happy to say that can definitely help you with the first two. How? By minimizing your daily routine and giving you more time to do other important stuff and earn even more money then you had ever before!

Promote your goods & business with videos and presentations, announce events, share documents and much more with 4shared! Read below for details…
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Search files with a mobile phone – new 4shared mobile feature!

By Irin L
04 / 08 / 2010

4shared Mobile is a useful application, that allows Symbian OS based mobile phones users to get instant access to their 4shared accounts and your friends girlfriend (just kiddin’). Today we are happy to announce a new feature, which allows users to actually search files hosted on 4shared! This actually makes possible to search ~30 millions of files which are hosted on 4shared! See how it works below!
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Become a hero with Total Influence!

By Irin L
03 / 08 / 2010

Have you ever faced the problem of doing something fun each time you download or upload things from the If it is so, I’m happy to remind you about the Total Influence – an online game that was developed by our respective partners. It’s free, role playing, tactical, postapocalyptic game in the vein of famous Fallout series that will bring you much of fun! Press “Continue reading” to find out the rest.
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10 cool things you can do with 4shared Desktop

By Irin L
29 / 07 / 2010

4shared is proud to remind you about another useful application that will make your file sharing experience just the way it meant to be – perfect. Uploading hundreds of files for the purposes of backuping or sharing with others is not a problem anymore! You haven’t tried it yet? Then read below to find out how 4shared Desktop can make everything nice & dandy!

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Pimp your browser up with 4shared Toolbar!

By Irin L
28 / 07 / 2010

What is the first thing that pops in your mind when you hear the word “toolbar”? A nasty thing that makes your Internet browsing slower and crashes your Mozilla, Explorer etc.? Well this may be true for some of the toolbars but not all of them! 4shared Toolbar combines a dozen of features in one convenient, compact and cool looking application that will allow you to have a quick access to downloading files, playing games, listening to radio, watching TV and other useful stuff just from your browser! Check out all other incredible features of 4shared Toolbar below.
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New communucation platform – 4shared forum

By Irin L
26 / 07 / 2010 – is a huge online hosting service that has many useful functions and features for any kind of users. All our tools are designed to be user-friendly and have multiple purposes (but no free pizza, sorry). Anyway sooner or later some people get confused about this or that. So, what is the easiest and fastest way to get your question answered? That’s right! 4shared forum! Read more to find out what it’s all about…
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Secure your files with

By Irin L
23 / 07 / 2010

Have you ever thought about the security of your files? I mean there’s no need to mine all the place and booby trap the door to your room but still. Can you be 100% sure that no one will ever gain an unwanted access to your computer? Well, you can never be sure about that! And what if you’ll eventually loose your files for any reason because you don’t have all day to systematically backup them? It seems that I can tell you something that will solve all these problems at once…
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Make your video popular at 4shared

By Irin L
22 / 07 / 2010

Video – is an ideal instrument for promotion as it can combine visual objects and sound in the same time. You can film literally everything, even those things which don’t really exist (like Aquaman, for example). This opens really great opportunities for everybody! Got a restaurant? Film it, tell about your exclusive cuisine and put the the results online for your potential costumers to see! Have a rock band? Make a music video and soon everybody will recognize you! Dreaming to be the next Steven Spielberg? Than shoot your astonishing ideas right away! Got no idea where to start? Than start with and we will tell you all the details below…

Store, share and stream any video at 4shared:

Continue reading → vs Torrents

By Irin L
21 / 07 / 2010

What are the most convenient ways to transfer big amounts of files via the Internet? There are actually three of them:

1. torrents
2. online file sharing

Oh, sorry. Just two. Silly me. But which one is better in terms of speed, being user-friendly and reliable anyway? Lets talk about each of them in more details…
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